Sunday, April 14, 2013

Developing The Team

Team building has been something I have written about in the past; however, as I continue to strive forward developing my brand I know even more now that a strong team is a must.  Recently I was traveling on the road as CEO, producer, executive assistant, accountant and anything else required when I get a text message from an old classmate.  She was a few years behind me in school, but I remembered she worked with me on my senior project for my Bachelor of Science degree.  The message basically asked if we could meet up when I got back into town.  I said of course.  Currently I am finding I do more harm than good when I don't set alarms in my phone to notate appointments.  After returning from Los Angeles, I  set the meeting and we got together to chat for a bit.  Upon delving into our initial discussion she reveled she wanted to do an internship with my company.  We are the complete opposite as far as personality, but I think opposites compliment each other.

I was right.  She has been a great help to get things done and her dedication and focus have helped me to become more creative .  It becomes overwhelming when you are both the captain and the crew on your ship.  My first intern didn’t come in with any of the energy or dedication of this girl.  She was asked to do work and only did the bare minimum and not adding value to the team.  She was more of an extrovert with a million excuses.  This brings up one of the most popular conversations about, which individuals are the best to have when developing a team introverts or extroverts?  I am a combination of the two, because I have a huge personality and I love communicating face to face; however, when the day is done I like to retreat to my living quarters alone with just pure silence and I.  Some people find it strange that I can turn on and off so drastically, but I have never been any other way.  As the founder of this company I have found that when explaining both what we do and how we achieve results people want to do business because of the confidence and authority I process.  I have also found that each client communicates differently, so sometimes the introverted side of me is more dominant because that is what the situation requires.

My new intern production coordinator is all introvert.  She communicates very quietly and speaks more slowly than I do.  I seem to always be in a rush because of how I speak and I have become more mindful of it because people have told me over the years.  According to, “Some of the world most powerful influencers were introverts including Albert Einstein, Warren Buffett and even Rosa Parks.”  I guess it’s true what they say when they refer to "speaking softly and carrying a big stick," in the words of former president Theodore Roosevelt.  What type of personality are you?  Do you consider one personality type more effective than the other in your team building?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

New Business Support

Developing a business from your passion is quit the challenge.  During the past year I have explored many aspects of what works and doesn’t work for my business, but not without examining financials and networks.  While evaluating current business situations I found that there were many things I did not consider.  One of the major things I didn’t consider was that I couldn’t do it all alone.  A few years ago I read a book by Bruce Judson called “Go it Alone.”  In the book he discussed starting a business with little to no capital on your own.  The examples he used in this book focused mainly on Internet ecommerce businesses.

It has been a crazy journey with may twists and turns.  I have found myself at a true loss, but I realize that anything worth doing is hard.  I took on my first client under my company early this year it is a great contract, but I quickly found that no one will take care of your business like you will.  Everything has been a huge hurdle no matter what I do for this client.  I worked long hours and spent my own money to correct issues.  I found that some times the people you want to count on to help develop your business wouldn’t be there.  I had to get creative if I was going to accomplish all of my goals to finish this contract.  I had to surround myself with people that wanted to do what I was doing with a passion to succeed and break barriers.

Websites like and are great resources to find talented people that are self-motivated to do more with their lives.  The most valuable tool I found to help with this business is the ability to recruit talent that will go the extra mile to get the mission accomplished.  My goal is to continue to grow and develop with like-minded people.  What have you seen on your journey either at work or with your own developing business?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Power of Now

Earlier this year I decided I was going to be someone I have never been and do some things I have never done.  The power to move now was something that was developed as a result of years of making other people’s dreams my reality.  I incorporated Movis Media Group last year with a plan to slowly build and develop a media management and consulting firm to help brands bring out their voices over a three-year period.  I know the power of having a strong foundation and team.  Someone once told me to tell life my plans and it would laugh at me.  That was truth and I haven’t looked back since.  This new journey has allowed me to both grow and develop into a stronger leader and businesswoman and I owe that to the power of now.

On January 12, 2013 I made a decision to change my life forever.  I believe in the power of now, because I can clearly see that belief and faith have already changed my life forever.  I made a decision to take all options off the table and live my dreams, so I put my plan into action to launch Movis Media Group before I initially planned; however, I have never been happier and more focused building a strong foundation for both my company and my team.

The Power of Now means to remove all excuses in your life make things happen now.  You have everything that is within you today to reach you professional and financial goals. “You don’t have to be great to be started, but you have to get started to be great,” Les Brown.  I first heard this quote in my early teens only to both meet the master, but work with him on media strategy and professional speaking.  Life is full of surprises!  I tool the time to develop myself with people I both respected and admired in this industry.  “Now” can make things happen that some day and tomorrow may never bring to life.  I am happy I planned for this journey and this business, because I was prepared so that when opportunity appeared I could move with urgency.  What things are you putting off until Someday?  

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Industry Education vs Industry Experience in Business

I have changed many things from the experts I profiled and researched over the past few weeks.  Some people say that the best way to learn is by doing and I have learned that the statement is very true.  I have changed by business model and my original thinking about my company.  I have found that the easiest answer is never the answer for the long-term situations.  Below are some of my experiences that have shape my thinking.  They discuss some of the big changes I made to my plan.

Although propaganda floods various media outlets one thing holds true, the economy is in uncharted territory, so always give yourself enough space in your budget for unexpected expenses.  As a former active duty Marine I rejoined the civilian sector thinking I should first complete my formal education to support my professional experience. The transition process didn't prep me for the next step. I can't sat what the transition process is for every Marine, but I can say that my immediate chain of command made no effort to ensure my continued success.  It wasn't a completely horrible experience I had to amazing Sergeant Majors that ensured I got the help I needed to succeed on my way out.  Even with their help I realized this was a teaching moment. Have you ever given everything to something only to be met with insult and injury?  Story of my life!

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "I am who I am today, because of the choices I made yesterday."  I started school full time shortly after leaving active duty only to find there wasn't much learning going on the institution.  I quickly found that school was the fastest way to go for broke. Some times you just have to “go for it” as Jayson Whitmore outlines or “Go it Alone,” like Bruce Judson.  I was blessed to be allowed to use the GI Bill enacted to allow veterans to take full advantage of their educational benefits. This is a great program that helped me get through the program with minimal debt; however my peers and even instructors weren't so lucky. While completing school I choose to work full time in an animation studio. During my time at the studio I traveled around the country, represented the company to million dollar clients and international advertising agencies, produced campaigns for international products, and negotiated international contracts.

I learned more from my hands on career than ever in a classroom, but after I finished my Bachelor's degree I choose to continue to my Masters program.  While in this program I decided to take the Movis Media Brand to a new level. We have signed new clients enabling us to operate in the now instead of what could be.  This exciting journey has pushed me to clear the thoughts that a formal education alone has a fighting chance in this economy without many other factors.  Never once has a client asked about my educational background, which I find ironic since that's what is mandatory right?  They focus solely on our results and professional, which can be credited to a proper upbringing. 

What makes an entrepreneur competitive in today's market?  Napoleon Hill wrote a book called "Think and Grow Rich."  This masterfully written text was beyond its time.  Mr. Hill talked about how Andrew Carnegie commissioned him to write this book and capture the inside stories of great entrepreneurs from all back grounds even humble uneducated beginnings including Thomas Edison and Ford.  Someone once asked Thomas edition why he continued to attempt inventing the light bulb after more than 10,000 failed attempts. Mr. Edison said after so many failures success became the only option.

The most important areas I believe investors will focus on when reading my business plan are the financial areas.  Although I know we have a strong concept with Movis Media Group, investors focus on the bottom line information.  What would be their return on investment?  Another key area is the marketing information and how we secure business.  Les Brown was quoted saying, "Shoot for the moon and even if you miss you will land among the stars."  You're more than what you have become go for it!  What do you think?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Business Planning Considerations

Business plan development is one of the most imperative, yet over looked aspects of new businesses.  More than 543,000 new businesses start every month in the US and “Entrepreneurial activity among ethnic groups is gaining traction as well. 39.8 percent of the nation’s current 11.5 million entrepreneurs belong to non-Caucasian ethnicities. 22.9 percent are Latino,” according to  I recently sat down with international motivational speaker and businessman John Garcia to discuss his journey from working in fields picking cotton to sharing international stages with the worlds most powerful speakers including Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and Loral Langemeier just to name a few.

This powerful interview shed a brief light on the power of a dream well developed.  What else does it take to yield a significant return on your investment in order to skyrocket your dream?  Well this weekend I spent some time with the “Millionaire Maker” Loral Langemeier New York Times best selling author.  Her view on what investors are looking for in a business plan is simply return on investment.  She further delved into her philosophy and introduced me to her concept of saying “YES!!!” to your business and yourself.  

“The first thing we do when working with new clients on their businesses is to go back and see how much money they have given away,” said Langemeier.  Most new businesses and brands don’t know what they don’t know, so they leave money on the table.  There are more than 73,600 pages of tax code, so it’s important to build a team with specialists that can ensure you get everything you rate.  During a presentation Langemeier gave she had the entire room stand up and went through a list of scenarios to illustrate how many people were falling short when it came to their business plan, team support and growth.  Her point was that in order to grow to a new height you must “Do what you do best, and let the others do the rest,” similar to Bruce Judson’s principles his book “Go It Alone. 

Do you think both John Garcia and Loral Langemeier have valid points?  I am finding quickly that the more you surround yourself with people that have been where you want to go the stronger your business plan development will be.  Thanks for reading I look forward to your feed back.