Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Freelance Productions fast, good and cheap

The world of video production is a constantly evolving machine due to dramatic advances in technology, but some argue that the floods of new video production are doing more harm than good for industry professionals.  Message delivery has also moved more toward video and social media than any other mediums in recent years.  This advance allows brands to connect to their target audiences on a more personal level and if created in an effective manner can become viral and take the brand to new heights.  Websites like YouTube, Viddler, Facebook, Twitter and Vimeo allow video sharing to become easier than ever, but at what cost?

As a recent graduate and full time producer I come across clients that was things fast, good and cheap.  When you are fresh in the industry this seems like an easy enough thing to do especially when you are talented and excited to add productions to your portfolio.  Stop this is never a good idea, because you will loose every time if you agree to these terms. There is no such this as a fast, good and cheap production.  They don’t exist. 

In recent years employers have discovered the loophole in lowering costs while growing their return on projects.  Author Robert Greene refers to this in his book, “the 48 Powers of Law” as “Get others to do the work, but take all the credit.”  Freelancers account for a third of the US workforce.  Due to a struggling economy people are willing to be freelance although they do all of the work, but get none of the benefits of full time employees.  This allows employers and clients to make more while they pay less.  When evaluating bids for clients many freelancers forget to pay themselves.  This rate calculator can help you decipher if you are getting paid what you should or simply taking a loss on the production. 

One simple way to evaluate a project is to decided weather it is worth your time by realistically evaluating your costs and time you will invest in the project.  In 2010 design creative Hoss Gifford released and article titled, “Fast, good, cheap.”  Although he was not the originator of this theory, his tale “some clients are evil and their work is toxic,” is a great example of how these types of jobs will poison your success as an industry professional.  Like anything else in life a relationship with your clients or employers should benefit both parties or animosity is bound to occur. 

Greene states in his fifth law of power that “so much depends on reputation guard it with your life.” This includes under cutting costs to get a job, because it devalues your time and talent.  Once you are known to lower rates people will always look for that deal even when they have the needed budget.  Every product produced should represent the best of your work.  If you can’t do it right, don’t do it at all.  No job is worth your reputation.    

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Are we willing to pay the price for reality tv?

Society’s views on entertainment have dramatically changed in recent years as far as television programming.  Reality tv shows have taken the lead and other shows trail behind, but women’s roles on these shows tend to show more catfights and yelling than anything else.  According to Forbes, reality tv is negatively impacting the view of real women in the media compared to the women on reality tv .  Although society is gravitating toward the drama of “real life,” what is the cost? 
Recently I was flipping through and caught an episode of season 8 of the Bad Girls Club.  I can’t say the loud and even over the top antics of the cast didn't grab my attention, but then I saw one girl that attended college with me.  We had class together and she was nothing like she was acting out on the tv show.  She was a fashion student and model that seemed to have it together.  She was very quiet and seemed nice until I saw her jumping a girl on the Bad Girls Club for no reason other than being a bully.  I had lost respect for her as a person, but after completing the show she has increased her following 100 percent and launching a much anticipated swimwear line.  I guess being bad can pay off pretty good.
 There are many cases beside this one that reality tv shows have made everyday people with little to no marketable skills overnight celebrities like “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” “Jersey Shore,” and Keeping Up With the Kardasians.”  These shows made these brands household names and continue to help develop these machines.  At what point are the shows destroying the values of the film and production industry?  How can reality tv be reality when it is edited?  How far are we willing to exploit ourselves to be successful?
Although, some positive things have come from reality tv there are quite a few negative  things that are damaging society, the value of hard work and developing a craft.  This is a link to the Bad Girls Club Reunion Clip.  These women cuss, fight and even spit; however, this is one of the highest rated original series to come from the Oxygen network.  Some of the cast blame trash talking on social media networks for their added animosity.  The reality of this situation is that they have to keep up the drama to stay relevant.
These antics have become so popular that teenagers have started taken videos committing violent acts and posting them to the web.  This is a link to a Teen girl getting brutalized posted on WorldStarHipHop.com over a "Twitter beef."  Being a bad girl in real life will get you jail time or worse, but that isn't publicized.  
            Most people don’t care about the cost of reality tv as long as they can take a check to the bank, but as industry professionals are we willing to pay that price to break into the industry?  If we do take the reality tv route can we be taken seriously in our industry professions?  

Reality Tv vs. Reality

Below are some links to great articles about the growing reality tv phenomenon.
“I’m a culture critic get me out of here!”

“Brazil bishops say reality TV is bad for society”

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Social Media; The Introduction

Social media has become a phenomenon for marketing professionals and small businesses in recent years as shown by the dramatic increase in social media users that can help to grow a following, bring new business and maintain relationships with current clientele.

Social media can seem very intimidating especially when setting up accounts initially.  I have set up this blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube in order to optimize a following and create social media awareness.  I look forward to expanding my knowledge of social media and connecting with all of you.

Below is a link to a great article check it out:

7 Great Social Media Optimization Tips For Your Website